Call for Assistant Professor (adjunct) position in Cultural Heritage Research group

Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry PAS invites applications for an assistant professor (adjunct) position in the Cultural Heritage Research group.


The candidates who meet the conditions stated in the act “Ustawa o Polskiej Akademii Nauk” dated 30 April 2010 (Dz.U. 2018 poz. 1475 z póź. zm.), art 89. ust 3 for the position of assistant professor (adjunct) are encouraged to apply for the position.


The assistant professor will conduct research on the processes of damage to cultural heritage objects caused by interaction with the environment. In particular, we expect the candidate to develop research activities in the following areas, among others:

  • experimental (plasmonic resonance, laser beam scattering) and theoretical (model of the subsurface layer taking into account Brown diffusion, eddy currents, thermophoresis, etc.) investigation of the transport and deposition processes of particulate matter leading to soiling of architectural surfaces in historical buildings and museums;
  • non-invasive tracing of mechanical damage development in cultural heritage objects caused by climate instability using acoustic emission and interferometric methods



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