Interdisciplinary PhD Studies
Interdisciplinary Doctoral Studies (ISD) “Advanced Materials for Modern Technologies and Energy of the Future” are of an environmental nature and are conducted under partnership agreements by the Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science of the AGH University of Science and Technology, Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Krakow and the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Krakow. The studies enable obtaining a doctorate in chemistry or physics.
Interdisciplinary Doctoral Studies were launched under the Human Capital Operational Program, Priority IV, “Higher education and science”, Measure 4.1 “Strengthening and developing the teaching potential of universities and increasing the number of graduates of faculties of key importance for the knowledge-based economy”, Sub-measure 4.1.1 “Strengthening the teaching potential of universities” (closed competition no. 2 / POKL / 4.1.1 / 2008). As part of the grant received, it is planned to announce three consecutive editions of 4-year doctoral studies (the first recruitment in July 2009), with an average of 20 doctoral students in each.
The duration of the doctoral project is 4 years. The doctoral scholarship is PLN 1,740 (the maximum rate of the doctoral scholarship is allowed by the ordinance of the Minister of Science and Higher Education). In addition, he will be able to receive an allowance to the scholarship in the amount of PLN 500 per month for results in science and scientific work. Additionally, as part of the grant received, the doctoral student can finance the costs of research and equipment.
ISD operates on the basis of the Regulations of full-time doctoral studies of AGH. The ISD is supervised by the Council of the Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science of AGH, through the Head of Studies appointed in accordance with the Regulations and the ISD Committee, which consists of two representatives of partner institutions. Oficjalna strona znajduje się pod adresem .