Krakow School of Interdisciplinary PhD Studies

Informacje ogólne

Krakowska Interdyscyplinarna Szkoła Doktorska – KISD- Krakow School of Interdisciplinary PhD Studies – was founded on May, 6th 2019 by:

  • Institute of Nuclear Physics im. Henryka Niewodniczańskiego PAS (IFJ PAN),
  • Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry Jerzego Habera Polskiej Akademii Nauk (IKiFP PAN),
  • Maj Institute of Pharmacology, Polish Academy of Sciences,
  • Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, Aleksandra Krupkowskiego PAS (IMiM PAN),
  • Strata Mechanics Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences,
  • Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences,
  • Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science AGH University of Science and Technology,
  • Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics AGH University of Science and Technology

The unit coordinating the joint running of KISD is the IFJ PAN. Detailed information on the functioning of the School can be found on the School’s website at:

Education in the School prepares for obtaining the doctoral degree and is conducted in the following disciplines:

  • physical sciences,
  • chemical sciences,
  • medical sciences,
  • pharmaceutical sciences,
  • material engineering,
  • environmental engineering, mining and energy.

The current activity of the Doctoral School is managed and coordinated by the Director of the Doctoral School, and within the given Unit by the Deputy Director of the Doctoral School.

The functioning of the School in didactic and scientific terms is supervised by the KISD Program Council, which is a collective opinion-forming body.

Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences is responsible for education in the field of exact and natural sciences in the discipline of chemical sciences.

The members of the Program Council on behalf of ICSC PAS are:

1. Prof. Piotr Warszyński – Dyrektor IKiFP PAN
2. DSc. Marta Kolasińska-Sojka – deputy director of the Doctoral School
3. Prof. Barbara Jachimska – Representative of the Scientific Council