Call for Research Assistant Position in the Group of Interfacial Interactions in Dispersed Systems

The candidates who meet the conditions stated in the act “Ustawa o Polskiej Akademii Nauk” dated 30 April 2010 (Dz.U. 2018 poz. 1475 z póź. zm.), art 88. Ust. 5 are encouraged to apply for the position.

The Candidate will take part in research activities, which are a part of NCN (National Science Centre) research project SONATA BIS (No. 2020/38/E/ST8/00173), ongoing currently in the group of Interfacial Interactions in Dispersed Systems,

In particular, the Research Assistant will be responsible for:

  • experimental and theoretical studies on adsorption proces of surfactants (including bio-surfactants) at fluid and solid interfaces eksperymentalne i teoretyczne badanie procesu adsorpcji surfaktantów na stałych i ciekłych ganicach faz,
  • experimental studies of the stability of liquid films formed in two- and three-phase systems under static and dynamic conditions,
  • publications of the project results in JCR journals and presentations at scientific conferences.



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