Krakow School of Interdisciplinary PhD Studies – Scholarship

On the basis of applicable regulations ((art. 209 Ustawy Prawo o Szkolnictwie Wyższym i Nauce z dnia 20 lipca 2018 r., Dz.U. 2018 poz. 1668 – Article 209 of the Act on Higher Education and Science of July 20, 2018, Journal of Laws 2018 item 1668), every doctoral student without a doctoral degree receives a doctoral scholarship for up to 4 years of doctoral school education.

Doctoral scholarship depends on the minimum monthly basic salary for a professor at a public university (as at 26.07.2019 it is PLN 6410)

The monthly doctoral scholarship will be at least:

  • 37% of professor’s salary – i.e. PLN 2,371.70 – for the first two years of education, before mid-term evaluation;
  • 57% of the professor’s salary, i.e. PLN 3653.70 in the next two years after a positive mid-term evaluation.

Supplement for people with disabilities: PLN 711.51.

Information on the social and health insurance of PhD students – publication on the ZUS website – (in Polish) (PDF)