Call for Research Assistant (post-doc) in the group of Soft Matter Nanostructures

Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, Poland opens a position of a Research Assistant (post-doc) involved in the implementation of the OPUS 2020/39/B/NZ7/01913 project „New generation teranostatic nanocarriers for detection, diagnosis and neuroprotective treatment of ischemic stroke brain damage” in the Soft Matter Nanostructures research group.

The candidates who meet the conditions stated in the act “Ustawa o Polskiej Akademii Nauk” dated 30 April 2010 (Dz.U. 2018 poz. 1475 z póź. zm.), art 89. Ust. 4 for the position of Research Assistant are encouraged to apply for the position.

A new postdoc contract is reserved for a person who has obtained their PhD within 7 years of joining the project. This period may be extended by a period of long-term (in excess of 90 days) documented sick leaves or rehabilitation leaves granted on account of 13 being unfit to work. In addition, the period may be extended by the number of months of childcare leave granted pursuant to the Labour Code and, in the case of women, by 18 months for every child born or adopted, whichever manner of accounting for career breaks is preferable.

The Candidate, reporting to the project leader, will work on the development of the methods of co-encapsulation of selected neuroprotective drugs and MRI contrast agents in the nanocarriers with the size below 300 nm.

The Research Assistant will be responsible for:

  • Synthesis of biocompatible polymeric nanoparticles (e.g. PCL, PLA).
  • Encapsulation of polymeric nanoparticles and emulsion drops by the sequential adsorption technique.
  • Characterization of synthesized nanoparticle by the methods: DLS, LDA, NTA, UV-vis, fluorescence.
  • Experimental data processing, preparation of publications.

KSN 11-2023 postdoc_EN


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