
Data publikacji: 2023-03-24

Tunable magnetic anisotropy of antiferromagnetic NiO in (Fe)/NiO/MgO/Cr/MgO(001) epitaxial multilayers

W. Janus, T. Slezak, M. Slezak , M. Szpytma, P. Drozdz, H. Nayyef, A. Mandziak, Dorota Wilgocka-Slezak, M. Zajac, M. Jugovac, T.O. Menteş, A. Locatelli, A. Koziol-Rachwal

Scientific Reports 13 (2023-03-24) 4824


We report on the magnetic properties of antiferromagnetic NiO(001) thin films in epitaxially grown NiO/MgO(dMgO)/Cr/MgO(001) system for different thicknesses of MgO, dMgO. Results of X-ray Magnetic Linear Dichroism show that together with an increase of dMgO, rotation of NiO spins from in-plane towards out-of-plane direction occurs. Furthermore, we investigated how the proximity of Fe modifies the magnetic state of NiO in Fe/NiO/MgO(dMgO)/Cr/MgO(001). We proved the existence of a multidomain state in NiO as a result of competition between the ferromagnet/antiferromagnet exchange coupling and strain exerted on the NiO by the MgO buffer layer.

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