Change your cover photo Upload Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photo Maria Morga dr inż.••+48 12 6395 202•Adiunkt•137•Układy w nano i mikroskali This user account status is Approved dr inż.••+48 12 6395 202•Adiunkt•137•Układy w nano i mikroskali Profil Profil Tematyka badawcza Tematyka badawcza Metodyka Metodyka Publikacje Publikacje Patenty Patenty M. Morga, D. Kosior, M. Nattich-Rak, I. Leszczyńska, P. Batys, Z. Adamczyk, A. M. Leshansky, Kinetics of Macroion Adsorption on Silica: Complementary Theoretical and Experimental Investigations for Poly‑L‑arginine, Langmuir (2025-02-04) 2248-2258. C. Leppin, A. Pomorska*, M. Morga, P. Pomastowski, P. Fijalkowski, A. Michna, D. Johannsmann*, Swelling Degree of Polyelectrolyte Layers Determined by an Electrochemical Quartz Crystal Microbalance, Biomacromolecules 26 (2025-01-22) 914-928. D. Kosior, A. Wiertel-Pochopien, M. Morga, L. Witkowski, J. Zawala, Effect of Synthetic Polypeptide–Bio-Surfactant Composition on the Formation and Stability of Foams, Minerals MDPI 14 (2024-10-30) 1110. M. Nattich-Rak, D. Kosior, M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, Kinetics of Human Serum Albumin Adsorption on Polycation Functionalized Silica, Biomolecules 14 (2024-04-29) 531 (1-16). M. Sadowska, M. Nattich-Rak, M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, T. Basinska, D. Mickiewicz, M. Gadzinowski, Anisotropic Particle Deposition Kinetics from Quartz Crystal Microbalance Measurements: Beyond the Sphere Paradigm, Langmuir 40 (2024-04-05) 7907−7919. T. Kastinen, D. Lupa, P. Bonarek, D. Fedorov, M. Morga, M. B. Linder, J. L. Lutkenhaus, P. Batys, M. Sammalkorpi, pH dependence of the assembly mechanism and properties of poly(L-lysine) and poly(L-glutamic acid) complexes, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Royal Society of Chemistry 25 (2023-06-15) 18182-18196. A.L. Harmat, M. Morga, J.L.L Lutkenhaus, P. Batys, M. Sammalkorpi, Molecular mechanisms of pH-tunable stability and surface coverage of polypeptide films, Applied Surface Science 615 (2023-01-04) 156331. M. Morga, M. Nattich-Rak, Z. Adamczyk, D. Mickiewicz, M. Gadzinowski, T. Basinska, Mechanisms of Anisotropic Particle Deposition: Prolate Spheroid Layers on Mica, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 126 (2022-10-20) 18550–18559. Z. Adamczyk, A. Pomorska, M. Sadowska, M. Nattich-Rak, M. Morga, T. Basińska, D. Mickiewicz, M. Gadzinowski, QCM-D Investigations of Anisotropic Particle Deposition Kinetics: Evidences of the Hydrodynamic Slip Mechanisms, Anal. Chem. ACS 94 (2022-07-01) 10234-10244. Z. Adamczyk, M. Morga, M. Nattich-Rak, M. Sadowska, Nanoparticle and bioparticle deposition kinetics, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science Elsevier 302 (2022-04-01) 102630. M. Morga, P. Batys, D. Kosior, P. Bonarek, Z. Adamczyk, Poly-L-Arginine Molecule Properties in Simple Electrolytes: Molecular Dynamic Modeling and Experiments, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (2022-03-17) 3588. Z. Adamczyk, P. Batys, W. Płaziński, M. Morga, D. Lupa, A. Michna, Macroion molecule properties from slender body hydrodynamics, Polym Adv. Technol. 32 (2021-10-01) 3900-3908. P. Batys, M. Morga, P. Bonarek, M. Sammalkorpi, pH-Induced Changes in Polypeptide Conformation: Force-Field Comparison with Experimental Validation, J. Phys. Chem. B 124 (2020-01-01) 2961-2972. D. Kosior, M. Morga, P. Maroni, M. Cieśla, Z. Adamczyk, Formation of Poly-L-Lysine Monolayers on Silica: Modeling and Experimental Studies, J. Phys. Chem. C ACS 124 (2020-01-01) 4571-4581. M. Morga, M. Nattich-Rak, M. Oćwieja, Z. Adamczyk, Gold Substrates of Controlled Roughness and Electrokinetic Properties Formed by Nanoparticle Deposition, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21 (2019-01-01) 6535-6543. P. Żeliszewska, M. Sadowska, M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, Mechanism of Fibrinogen /Microparticle Complex Deposition on Solid Substrates: Role of pH, Colloids Surf., B Elsevier 184 (2019-01-01) 110424-1-110424-7. M. Oćwieja, M. Morga, Electrokinetic Properties of Cysteine-Stabilized Silver Nanoparticles Dispersed in Suspensions and Deposited on Solid Surfaces in the Form of Monolayers, Electrochim. Acta Elsevier 297 (2019-01-01) 1000-1010. M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, D. Kosior, M. Kujda-Kruk, Kinetics of Poly-l-lysine Adsorption on Mica and Stability of Formed Monolayers: Theoretical and Experimental Studies, Langmuir ACS 35 (2019-01-01) 12042-12052. A. Michna, P. Batys, M. Morga, A. Pomorska, M. Wytrwal-Sarna, M. Kepczynski, Z. Adamczyk, Formation of Strong Polycation (Poly[(3-allylamino-2- hydroxypropyl)trimethylammonium chloride]) Monolayers on Mica, Silica, and Gold Substrates: Modeling and Experimental Studies, J. Phys. Chem. C 123 (2019-01-01) 19022-19032. A. Michna, M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, K. Kubiak, Monolayers of Silver Nanoparticles Obtained by Green Synthesis on Macrocation Modified Substrates, Mater. Chem. Phys. 227 (2019-01-01) 224-235. M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, D. Kosior, M. Oćwieja, Hematite/Silica Nanoparticle Bilayers at Mica: AFM and Electrokinetic Characteristics, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 20 (2018-01-01) 15368-15379. A. Bratek-Skicki, P. Eloy, M. Morga, Ch. Dupont-Gillain, Reversible Protein Adsorption on Mixed PEO/PAA Polimer Brushes: Role of Ionic Strength and PEO Content, Langmuir 34 (2018-01-01) 3037-3048. Z. Adamczyk, M. Morga, D. Kosior, P. Batys, Conformations of Poly-L-lysine Molecules in Electrolyte Solutions: Modeling and Experimental Measurements, J. Phys. Chem. C 122 (2018-01-01) 23180-23190. J. Maciejewska-Prończuk, M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, M. Oćwieja, M. Zimowska, Homogeneous Gold Nanoparticle Monolayers - QCM and Electrokinetic Characteristics, Colloids Surf., A 514 (2017-01-01) 226-235. M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, D. Kosior, Silica Nanoparticle Monolayers on a Macroion Modified Surface: Formation Mechanism and Stability, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 19 (2017-01-01) 22721-22732. M. Oćwieja, K. Matras-Postołek, J. Maciejewska-Prończuk, M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, S. Sovinska, A. Żaba, M. Gajewska, T. Król, K. Cupiał, M. Bredol, Formation and Stability of Manganese-Doped ZnS Quantum Dot Monolayers Determined by QCM-D and Streaming Potential Measurements, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 503 (2017-01-01) 186-197. M. Morga, A. Michna, Z. Adamczyk, Formation and Stability of Polyelectrolyte/Polypeptide Monolayers Determined by Electrokinetic Measurements, Colloids Surf., A 529 (2017-01-01) 302 -310. M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, T. Basinska, P. Komar, M. Gosecka, P. Żeliszewska, M. Wasilewska, Spheroidal Microparticle Monolayers Characterized by Streaming Potential Measurements, Langmuir 33 (2017-01-01) 9916-9925. M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, D. Kosior, Silica Monolayer Formation and Stability Determined by in situ Streaming Potential Measurements, Electrochim. Acta 206 (2016-01-01) 409-418. M. Oćwieja, Z. Adamczyk, M. Morga, Adsorption of Tannic Acid on Polyelectrolyte Monolayers Determined in Situ by Streaming Potential Measurements, J. Colloid Interface Sci. Elsevier 438 (2015-01-01) 249-258. M. Oćwieja, Z. Adamczyk, M. Morga, K. Kubiak, Influence of Supporting Polyelectrolyte on Coverage and Stability of Silver Nanoparticle Coatings, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 445 (2015-01-01) 205-212. M. Oćwieja, A. Popov, Z. Adamczyk, M. Morga, A. Ramanaviciene, A. Ramanavisius, Deposition of Silver Nanoparticles from Suspensions Containing Tannic Acid, Colloids Surf., A 477 (2015-01-01) 70-76. M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, S. Godrich, M. Oćwieja, G. Papastavrou, Monolayers of Poly-L-lysine on Mica – Electrokinetic Characteristics, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 456 (2015-01-01) 116-124. M. Kujda, Z. Adamczyk, M. Morga, K. Sofińska, Recombinant Albumin Adsorption on Mica Studied by AFM Andstreaming Potential Measurements, Colloids Surf., B 127 (2015-01-01) 192-199. M. Oćwieja, Z. Adamczyk, M. Morga, pH-Controlled Desorption of Silver Nanoparticles from Monolayers Deposited on PAH-Covered Mica, J. Nanopart. Res. 17235 (2015-01-01) 1-14. M. Oćwieja, Z. Adamczyk, M. Morga, K. Kubiak, Silver Particle Monolayers - Formation, Stability, Applications, Adv. Colloid Interface Sci. 222 (2015-01-01) 530–563. M. Kujda, Z. Adamczyk, M. Morga, E. Kowalska, Comparative Physicochemical Studies of Human Albumin Monomer and the Synthetic Cross-Linked Dimer, FEBS Journal, (Suppl. 1) 281 (2014-01-01) 404. M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, M. Oćwieja, E. Bielańska, Hematite/Silver Nanoparticle Bilayers on Mica – AFM, SEM and Streaming Potential Studies, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 424 (2014-01-01) 75-83. M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, M. Oćwieja, Stability of Silver Nanoparticle Monolayers Determined in situ by Streaming Potential Measurements, J. Nanopart. Res. 15 (2013-01-01) 2076-2090. M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, Monolayers of Cationic Polyelectrolytes on Mica - Electrokinetic Studies, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 407 (2013-01-01) 196-204. M. Oćwieja, M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, Self - Assembled Silver Nanoparticles Monolayers on Mica - AFM, SEM and Electrokinetic Characteristics, J. Nanopart. Res. 15 (2013-01-01) 1460. M. Nattich-Rak, Z. Adamczyk, M. Sadowska, M. Morga, M. Oćwieja, Hematite Nanoparticle Monolayers on Mica: Characterization by Colloid Deposition, Colloids Surf., A 412 (2012-01-01) 72-81. M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, M. Oćwieja, Hematite Nanoparticle Monolayers on Mica Electrokinetic Characteristics, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 386 (2012-01-01) 121-128. M. Oćwieja, Z. Adamczyk, M. Morga, E. Bielanska, A. Wegrzynowicz, Hematite Nanoparticle Monolayers on Mica Preparation by Controlled Self-Assembly, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 386 (2012-01-01) 51-59. M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, K. Jaszczółt, M. Nattich-Rak, G. Para, Colloid Zirconia Binder of Improved Wetting Properties, Ceram. Sylikaty 56 (2012-01-01) 1-8. M. Oćwieja, Z. Adamczyk, M. Morga, A. Michna, High Density Silver Nanoparticle Monolayers Produced by Colloid Self - assembly on Polyelectrolyte Supporting Layers, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 364 (2011-01-01) 39-48. M. Morga, G. Para, Z. Adamczyk, A. Karwiński, Improvement of Wetting Properties of Colloid Silica Binders, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 49 (2010-01-01) 8532 - 8537. Dodaj publikację