Change your cover photo Upload Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photo Magdalena Oćwieja dr hab.••+48 12 6395 108•prof. IKiFP PAN•030•Fizykochemia układów koloidalnych This user account status is Zatwierdzono dr hab.••+48 12 6395 108•prof. IKiFP PAN•030•Fizykochemia układów koloidalnych Profil Profil Tematyka badawcza Tematyka badawcza Metodyka Metodyka Publikacje Publikacje Patenty Patenty N. Piergies, M. Ocwieja, M. Sadowska, D. Duraczynska, M. Nattich-Rak, B. D. Napruszewska, AFM–SEIRA nanospectroscopy imaging of the drug adsorption on the PtNP monolayers, Measurement 239 (2025-01-01) 115329. J. Maciejewska-Prończuk, M. Oćwieja, P. Żeliszewska, M. Wasilewska, D. Ungor, E. Csapo, L. Szyk-Warszyńska, M. Gajewska, A. Charzanowska, J. Dobrzyńska, I. Ivashchenko, K. Matras-Postołek, Z. Adamczyk, Fluorescent gold nanoclusters stabilized by lysozyme: Synthesis and deposition kinetics on silica substrates, Journal of Luminescence 277 (2025-01-01) 120912. O. Kowalska, N. Piergies, A. Barbasz, P. Niemiec, P. Gnacek, D. Duraczynska, M. Ocwieja, Spectroscopic Properties and Biological Activity of Fluphenazine Conjugates with Gold Nanoparticles, Molecules 29 (2024-12-17) 5948. M. Ocwieja, Anna Barbasz, Oliwia Kowalska , Julia Maciejewska-Pronczuk, A. Lada, The Adsorption of Chlorpromazine on the Surface of Gold Nanoparticles and Its Effect on the Toxicity to Selected Mammalian Cells, Materials mdpi 17 (2024-09-28) 4774. M. Ocwieja, A. Barbasz, M. Wasilewska, P. Smolen, D. Duraczynska , B.D. Napruszewska, M. Kozak, A. Wegrzynowicz, Surface Charge-Modulated Toxicity of Cysteine-Stabilized Silver Nanoparticles, Molecules 29 (2024-07-31) 3629. P. Gnacek, Natalia Piergies, Piotr Niemiec, Oliwia Kowalska, Magdalena Ocwieja, Spectroscopic studies under properties of chlorpromazine conjugated to gold nanoparticles, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy Elsevier 320 (2024-06-03) 124588. D. Swiech, Kamila Kollbek, Piotr Jablonski, Marta Gajewska, Gaetano Palumbo, Magdalena Ocwieja, Natalia Piergies, Exploring the nanoscale: AFM-IR visualization of cysteine adsorption on gold nanoparticles, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy Elsevier 318 (2024-05-09) 124433. A. Gorczyca, S.W. Przemieniecki, M. Ocwieja, Comparative effect of silver nanoparticles on maize rhizoplane microbiome in initial phase of plants growth, International Agrophysics 38 (2024-03-31) 155-164. S.W. Przemieniecki, K. Ruraz, O. Kosewska, M. Ocwieja, A. Gorczyca, The impact of various forms of silver nanoparticles on the rhizosphere of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) – Shifts in microbiome structure and predicted microbial metabolic functions, Science of the Total Environment 914 (2024-01-15) 169824. S.W. Przemieniecki, M. Borsuk-Stanulewicz, C. Purwin, O. Kosewska, M. Oćwieja, The Effect of Different Forms of Titanium Dioxide on the Yield, Chemical and Microbiological Parameters of Perennial Ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) Herbage and Silage, Agriculture mdpi 13 (2023-08-09) 1588. P. Deptuła, K. Fiedoruk, M. Wasilewska, Ł. Suprewicz, M. Cieśluk, P. Żeliszewska, M. Oćwieja, Z. Adamczyk, K. Pogoda, R. Bucki, Physicochemical Nature of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Binding to Human Vimentin, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ACS 15 (2023-07-06) 34172-34180. N. Piergies, M. Ocwieja, J. Maciejewska-Pronczuk, R. Kosydar, C. Paluszkiewicz, W. M. Kwiatek, Quantitative and qualitative analyses of drug adsorption on silver nanoparticle monolayers: QCM, SERS, and TEIRA nanospectroscopy studies, Nanoscale 15 (2023-06-30) 11693-11706. E. Matras, A. Gorczyca, E. Pociecha, S.W. Przemieniecki, P. Żeliszewska, M. Oćwieja, Silver nanoparticles affect wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) germination, seedling blight and yield , Functional Plant Biology 50 (2023-03-22) 390-406. N. Piergies, J. Mathurin, A. Dazzi, A. Deniset-Besseau, M. Ocwieja, C. Paluszkiewicz, W.M. Kwiatek, IR nanospectroscopy to decipher drug/metal nanoparticle interactions: Towards a better understanding of the spectral signal enhancement and its distribution, Applied Surface Science 609 (2023-01-01) 155217. J. Szaleniec, A. Gibala, J. Stalinska, M. Oćwieja, P. Żeliszewska, J. Drukala, M. Szaleniec, T. Gosiewski, Biocidal Activity of Tannic Acid-Prepared Silver Nanoparticles towards Pathogens Isolated from Patients with Exacerbations of Chronic Rhinosinusitis, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (2022-12-06) 15411. S.W. Przemieniecki, M. Oćwieja, S. Ciesielski, W. Halecki, E. Matras, A. Gorczyca, Chemical Structure of Stabilizing Layers of Negatively Charged Silver Nanoparticles as an Effector of Shifts in Soil Bacterial Microbiome under Short-Term Exposure, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (2022-11-04) 14438. E. Matras, A. Gorczyca, S.W. Przemieniecki, M. Oćwieja, Surface properties-dependent antifungal activity of silver nanoparticles, Scientific Reports 12 (2022-10-27) 18046. P. Gnacek, N. Piergies, D. Duraczyńska, M. Kozak, C. Paluszkiewicz, M. Oćwieja, A physicochemical and spectroscopic characterization of novel erlotinib conjugates with platinum nanoparticles, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 654 (2022-08-29) 130069. S. Seweryn, K. Skirlińska-Nosek, N. Wilkosz, K. Sofińska, D. Perez-Guaita, M. Oćwieja, J. Barbasz, M. Szymoński, E. Lipiec, Plasmonic hot spots reveal local conformational transitions induced by DNA double-strand breaks, Scientific Reports 12 (2022-07-15) 12158. M. Kula-Maximenko, A. Gorczyca, E. Pociecha, A. Gastol, Julia Maciejewska-Pronczuk, M. Ocwieja, Characterization of selected parameters of Chlorella vulgaris microalgae after short-term exposure to gold nanoparticles with different surface properties, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 10 (2022-07-09) 108248. A. Barbasz, A. Czyżowska, N. Piergies, M. Oćwieja, Design cytotoxicity: The effect of silver nanoparticles stabilized by selected antioxidants on melanoma cells, Journal of Applied Toxicology WILEY 42 (2022-04-01) 570-587. E. Matras, A. Gorczyca, E. Pociecha, S.W. Przemieniecki, M. Ocwieja, Phytotoxicity of Silver Nanoparticles with Different Surface Properties on Monocots and Dicots Model Plants, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 22 (2022-01-13) 1647-1664. A. Gorczyca, E. Pociecha, J. Maciejewska-Pronczuk, M. Kula-Maximenko, M. Ocwieja, Phytotoxicity of silver nanoparticles and silver ions toward common wheat, Surface Innovations 10 (2022-01-01) 48-58. A. Barbasz, M. Oćwieja, N. Piergies, D. Duraczyńska, A. Nowak, Antioxidant-modulated cytotoxicity of silver nanoparticles, Journal of Applied Toxicology (2021-01-01) . A. Barbasz, A. Czyzowska, N. Piergies, M. Ocwieja, Design cytotoxicity: The effect of silver nanoparticles stabilized by seected antioxidats on mellaoma cells, J. Appl. Toxicol. (2021-01-01) 1-18. E. Pociecha, A. Gorczyca, M. Dziurka, E. Matras, M. Ocwieja, Silver nanoparticles and silver ions differentially affect the phytohormone balance and field in wheat, Agriculture 11 (2021-01-01) 729. D. Lupa, M. Oćwieja, Z. Adamczyk, Hematite/Polystyrene Raspberry‐Like Microcomposites as Stable Support for Silver Nanoparticle Immobilization, Part. Part. Syst. Charact. 2 (2021-01-01) 2000239. A. Gorczyca, E. Pociecha, J. Maciejewska-Prończuk, J. Kula-Maximenko, M. Oćwieja, Phytotoxicity of Silver Nanoparticles and Silver Ions towards Common Wheat under Hydroponic Culture, Surface Innovations 1 (2021-01-01) 1-10. A. Czyżowska, A. Barbasz. Lilianna Szyk-Warszyńska, M. Oćwieja, E. Csapó, D. Ungor, The surface-dependent biological effect of protein-gold nanoclusters on human immune system mimetic cells, Colloids Surf., A, 620 (2021-01-01) 126569. A. Gibała, P. Zeliszewska, T. Gosiewski, A. Krawczyk, D. Duraczyńska, J. Szaleniec, M. Szaleniec, M. Oćwieja, Antibacterial and antifungal properties of silver nanoparticles – effect of a surface stabilizing agent, Biomolecules 11 (2021-01-01) 1481. N. Piergies, M. Oćwieja, C. Paluszkiewicz, W.M. Kwiatek, Nanoparticle stabilizer as a determining factor of the drug/gold surface interaction: SERS and AFM-SEIRA studies, Appl. Surf. Sci. Elsevier 537 (2021-01-01) 147897 (1-10). D. Ungor, A. Barbasz, A. Czyżowska, E. Csapó, M. Oćwieja, Cytotoxicity studies of protein-stabilized fluorescent gold nanoclusters on human lymphocytes, Colloids Surf., B 200 (2021-01-01) 111593. N. Piergies, M. Oćwieja, C. Paluszkiewicz, W.M. Kwiatek, Spectroscopic insights into the effect of pH, temperature, and stabilizer on erlotinib adsorption behavior onto Ag nanosurface, Spectrochim Acta A 228 (2020-01-01) 117737. N. Piergies, A. Dazzi, A. Deniset-Besseau, J. Mathurin, M. Oćwieja, C. Paluszkiewicz, W.M. Kwiatek, Nanoscale image of the drug/metal mono-layer interaction: Tapping AFM-IR investigations, Nano Research 13 (2020-01-01) 1020-1028. M. Oćwieja, A. Barbasz, Sodium hexametaphosphate-induced enhancment of silver nanoparticle toxicity towards leukemia cells, J. Nanopart. Res. 22 (2020-01-01) 167. M. Morga, M. Nattich-Rak, M. Oćwieja, Z. Adamczyk, Gold Substrates of Controlled Roughness and Electrokinetic Properties Formed by Nanoparticle Deposition, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21 (2019-01-01) 6535-6543. D. Lupa, M. Oćwieja, N. Piergies, A. Baliś, C. Paluszkiewicz, Z. Adamczyk, Gold Nanoparticles Deposited on Silica Microparticles-Electrokinetic Characteristics and Application in SERS, Colloid Interfac. Sci. Elsevier 33 (2019-01-01) 100219. M. Oćwieja, M. Morga, Electrokinetic Properties of Cysteine-Stabilized Silver Nanoparticles Dispersed in Suspensions and Deposited on Solid Surfaces in the Form of Monolayers, Electrochim. Acta Elsevier 297 (2019-01-01) 1000-1010. J. Maciejewska-Prończuk, M. Oćwieja, Z. Adamczyk, A. Pomorska, Formation of Gold Nanoparticle Bilayers on Gold Sensors, Colloids Surf., A 560 (2019-01-01) 393-401. M. Wasilewska, Z. Adamczyk, M. Oćwieja, D. Wojnar, P. Żeliszewska, Silver Nanoparticle/Fibrinogen Bilayers – Mechanism of Formation and Stability Determined by in Situ Electrokinetic Measurements, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 513 (2018-01-01) 170-179. D. Lupa, Z. Adamczyk, M. Oćwieja, D. Duraczyńska, Formation, Properties and Stability of Silver Nanoparticle Monolayers at PDADMAC Modified Polystyrene Microparticles, Colloids Surf., A 554 (2018-01-01) 317-325. M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, D. Kosior, M. Oćwieja, Hematite/Silica Nanoparticle Bilayers at Mica: AFM and Electrokinetic Characteristics, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 20 (2018-01-01) 15368-15379. M. Oćwieja, D. Lupa, Z. Adamczyk, Gold Nanoparticle Layers on Polystyrene Microspheres of Controlled Structure and Electrokinetic Properties, Langmuir 34 (2018-01-01) 8489-8489. M. Oćwieja, Self - Assembly of Cysteine - Functionalized Silver Nanoparticles at Solid/ Liquid Interfaces, Colloids Surf., A 558 (2018-01-01) 520-530. A. Barbasz, B. Kreczmer, M. Oćwieja, How the Surface Properties Attect the Nanotoxicity of Silver? Study of the Influence of Three Types of Nanosilver on Two Wheat Varieties, Acta Physiol. Plant. 40 (2018-01-01) 31. N. Piergies, M. Oćwieja, C. Paluszkiewicz, W.M. Kwiatek, Identification of Erlotynib Adsorption Pattern Onto Silver Nanoparticles: SERS Studies, J. Raman Spectrosc. 49 (2018-01-01) 1265-1273. M. Gorczyca, S.W. Przemieniecki, T. Kurowski, M. Oćwieja, Earlt Plant Growth and Bacterial Community in Rhizoplane of Wheat and Flax Exposed to Silver and Titatnium Dioxide Nanoparticles, Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 25 (2018-01-01) 33820–33826. J. Maciejewska-Prończuk, M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, M. Oćwieja, M. Zimowska, Homogeneous Gold Nanoparticle Monolayers - QCM and Electrokinetic Characteristics, Colloids Surf., A 514 (2017-01-01) 226-235. M. Oćwieja, J. Maciejewska-Prończuk, Z. Adamczyk, M. Roman, Formation of Positively Charged Gold Nanoparticle Monolayers on Silica Sensors, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 501 (2017-01-01) 192–201. M. Oćwieja, K. Matras-Postołek, J. Maciejewska-Prończuk, M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, S. Sovinska, A. Żaba, M. Gajewska, T. Król, K. Cupiał, M. Bredol, Formation and Stability of Manganese-Doped ZnS Quantum Dot Monolayers Determined by QCM-D and Streaming Potential Measurements, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 503 (2017-01-01) 186-197. M. Oćwieja, A. Barbasz, S. Walas, M. Roman, C. Paluszkiewicz, Physicochemical Properties and Cytotoxicity of Cysteine - Functionalized Silver Nanoparticles, Colloids Surf., B 160 (2017-01-01) 429-437. M. Oćwieja, Tuning the Properties of Silver Monolayers for Biological Applications, in: Silver Nanoparticles for Biological Devices: Biocompability and Toxicity CRC Press 2 (2017-01-01) 37-54. E. Pięta, N. Piergies, M. Oćwieja, H. Domin, C. Paluszkiewicz, E. Bielańska, W.M. Kwiatek, Monitoring the Interfacial Behavior of Selective Y5 Receptor Antagonist on Colloidal Gold Nanoparticle Surfaces: Surface-Enhanced Vibrational Spectroscopy Studies, J. Phys. Chem. C 121 (2017-01-01) 17276-17288. A. Barbasz, M. Oćwieja, M. Roman, Toxicity of Silver Nanoparticles Towards Tumoral Human Cell Lines U-937 and HL-60, Colloids Surf., B 156 (2017-01-01) 397-404. M. Oćwieja, A. Węgrzynowicz, J. Maciejewska-Prończuk, P. Michorczyk, Z. Adamczyk, M. Roman, E. Bielańska, Preparation of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Doped by Chromium for Application in Water - Gas Shift Reaction, Colloids Surf., A 523 (2017-01-01) 71-80. E. Pięta, C. Paluszkiewicz, M. Oćwieja, W.M. Kwiatek, Potential Drug - Nanosensor Conjugates: Raman, Infrared Absorption, Surface-Enhanced Raman, and DFT Study of Indolic Molecules, Appl. Surf. Sci. 404 (2017-01-01) 168-179. A. Barbasz, M. Oćwieja, S. Walas, Toxicological effects of three types of silver nanoparticles and their salt precursors acting on human U-937 and HL-60 cells, Toxicological Mechanisms and Methods 27 (2017-01-01) 58-71. M. Sadowska, Z. Adamczyk, M. Oćwieja, M. Nattich-Rak, Monolayers of Silver Nanoparticles on Positively Charged Polymermicrospheres, Colloids Surf., A 499 (2016-01-01) 1-9. Z. Adamczyk, M. Oćwieja, H. Mrowiec, S. Walas, D. Lupa, Oxidative Dissolution of Silver Nanoparticles: A New Theoretical Approach, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 469 (2016-01-01) 355-364. K. Kubiak, Z. Adamczyk, J. Maciejewska, M. Oćwieja, Gold Nanoparticle Monolayers of Controlled Coverage and Structure, J. Phys. Chem. C 120 (2016-01-01) 11807-11819. J. Maciejewska, Z. Adamczyk, M. Oćwieja, E. Bielańska, B. Daria Napruszewska, Titanium Dioxide/Silver Nanoparticle Bilayers Prepared in Self - Assembly Processes, Annales UMCS Sectio AA Chemistry 1 (2016-01-01) 29-46. D. Lupa, M. Oćwieja, Oksydacyjne Roztwarzanie Nanocząstek Srebra. Wpływ Właściwości Powierzchniowych na Przebieg Procesu, Wydawnictwo Bezkresy Wiedzy Saarbrücken (2016-01-01) . A. Barbasz, B. Kreczmer, M. Oćwieja, Effects of Exposure of Callus Cells of Two Wheat Varieties to Silver Nanoparticles and Silver Salt (AgNO3), Acta Physiol. Plant. 38 (2016-01-01) 76. A. Barbasz, M. Oćwieja, Gold Nanoparticles and Ions - Friends or Foes? As They are Seen by Human Cells U-937 and HL-60?, J. Exp. Nanosci. 11 (2016-01-01) 564-580. M. Kujda, M. Oćwieja, Z. Adamczyk, O. Bocheńska, G. Braś, A. Kozik, E. Bielańska, J. Barbasz, Charge-Stabilized Silver Nanoparticles Applied as Antibacterial Agents, J. Nanosci. Nanotechno. 15 (2015-01-01) 3574-3583. M. Oćwieja, Z. Adamczyk, M. Morga, Adsorption of Tannic Acid on Polyelectrolyte Monolayers Determined in Situ by Streaming Potential Measurements, J. Colloid Interface Sci. Elsevier 438 (2015-01-01) 249-258. M. Oćwieja, Z. Adamczyk, M. Morga, K. Kubiak, Influence of Supporting Polyelectrolyte on Coverage and Stability of Silver Nanoparticle Coatings, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 445 (2015-01-01) 205-212. K. Kubiak, Z. Adamczyk, M. Oćwieja, Kinetics of Silver Nanoparticle Deposition at PAH Monolayers: Reference QCM Results, Langmuir 31 (2015-01-01) 2988–2996. M. Oćwieja, A. Popov, Z. Adamczyk, M. Morga, A. Ramanaviciene, A. Ramanavisius, Deposition of Silver Nanoparticles from Suspensions Containing Tannic Acid, Colloids Surf., A 477 (2015-01-01) 70-76. A. Barbasz, M. Oćwieja, J. Barbasz, Cytotoxic Activity of Highly Purified Silver Nanoparticles Sol Against Cells of Human Immune System, Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol. (2015-01-01) . M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, S. Godrich, M. Oćwieja, G. Papastavrou, Monolayers of Poly-L-lysine on Mica – Electrokinetic Characteristics, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 456 (2015-01-01) 116-124. M. Oćwieja, Z. Adamczyk, M. Morga, pH-Controlled Desorption of Silver Nanoparticles from Monolayers Deposited on PAH-Covered Mica, J. Nanopart. Res. 17235 (2015-01-01) 1-14. M. Oćwieja, Z. Adamczyk, M. Morga, K. Kubiak, Silver Particle Monolayers - Formation, Stability, Applications, Adv. Colloid Interface Sci. 222 (2015-01-01) 530–563. M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, M. Oćwieja, E. Bielańska, Hematite/Silver Nanoparticle Bilayers on Mica – AFM, SEM and Streaming Potential Studies, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 424 (2014-01-01) 75-83. M. Oćwieja, A. Gorczyca, M. Niemiec, Z. Adamczyk, E. Pociecha, Effect of Charge-Stabilized Silver Nanoparticles with Various Surface Properties on Physiological State of Seedlings of Triticum Aestivum, FEBS Journal. (Suppl. 1) 65783281 (2014-01-01) 622. U. Bubniene, M. Oćwieja, B. Bugelyte, Z. Adamczyk, M. Nattich-Rak, J. Voronovic, A. Ramanaviciene, A. Ramanavicius, Deposition of Gold Nanoparticles on Mica Modified by Poly(allylaminehydrochloride) Monolayers, Colloids Surf., A 441 (2014-01-01) 204-210. M. Oćwieja, Kinetyka Tworzenia oraz Stabilność Monowarstw Nanocząstek Srebra. Badania Podstawowe w Dobie Dynamicznego Rozwoju Nanotechnologii, Wydawnictwo Bezkresy WiedzySaarbrücken 1 (2014-01-01) 1-248. M. Kujda, M. Oćwieja, Z. Adamczyk, O. Bocheńska, G. Bras, A. Kozik, E. Bielańska, J. Barbasz, Antibacterial Properties of Charged-Stabilized Silver Nanoparticles, FEBS Journal, (Suppl. 1) 280 (2013-01-01) 608-609. M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, M. Oćwieja, Stability of Silver Nanoparticle Monolayers Determined in situ by Streaming Potential Measurements, J. Nanopart. Res. 15 (2013-01-01) 2076-2090. M. Oćwieja, Z. Adamczyk, Monolayers of Silver Nanoparticles Obtained by Chemical Reduction Methods, Surf. Innov. 2 (2013-01-01) 160-172. M. Oćwieja, Z. Adamczyk, Controlled Release of Silver Nanoparticles from Monolayers Deposited on PAH Covered Mica, Langmuir 29 (2013-01-01) 3546-3555. M. Oćwieja, M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, Self - Assembled Silver Nanoparticles Monolayers on Mica - AFM, SEM and Electrokinetic Characteristics, J. Nanopart. Res. 15 (2013-01-01) 1460. I. Cieślik, R. Węgłowski, J. Żmija, K. Kurzydłowski, M. Płocińska, M. Oćwieja, Control of Optical Active Borates Nanocrystals Agglomeration, J. Achiev. Mater. Manuf. Eng. 61 (2013-01-01) 163-168. M. Nattich-Rak, Z. Adamczyk, M. Sadowska, M. Morga, M. Oćwieja, Hematite Nanoparticle Monolayers on Mica: Characterization by Colloid Deposition, Colloids Surf., A 412 (2012-01-01) 72-81. M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, M. Oćwieja, Hematite Nanoparticle Monolayers on Mica Electrokinetic Characteristics, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 386 (2012-01-01) 121-128. M. Oćwieja, Z. Adamczyk, M. Morga, E. Bielanska, A. Wegrzynowicz, Hematite Nanoparticle Monolayers on Mica Preparation by Controlled Self-Assembly, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 386 (2012-01-01) 51-59. M. Oćwieja, Z. Adamczyk, K. Kubiak, Tuning Properties of Silver Particle Monolayers via Controlled Adsorption – Desorption Processes, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 376 (2012-01-01) 1-11. A. Michna, Z. Adamczyk, M. Oćwieja, E. Bielańska, Kinetics of Silver Nanoparticle Deposition onto Poly(ethylene imine) Modified Mica Determined by AFM and SEM Measurements, Colloids Surf., A 377 (2011-01-01) 261-268. M. Oćwieja, Z. Adamczyk, M. Morga, A. Michna, High Density Silver Nanoparticle Monolayers Produced by Colloid Self - assembly on Polyelectrolyte Supporting Layers, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 364 (2011-01-01) 39-48. A. Michna, Z. Adamczyk, B. Siwek, M. Oćwieja, Silver Nanoparticle Monolayers on Poly(ethylene imine) Covered Mica Produced by Colloidal Self - assembly, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 245 (2010-01-01) 187-193. P. Gnacek, Natalia Piergies, Piotr Niemiec, Oliwia Kowalska, Magdalena Ocwieja, Spectroscopic studies under properties of chlorpromazine conjugated to gold nanoparticles , Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy Elsevier 320 (0000-00-00) 124588. Dodaj publikację