Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry PAS invites applications for an assistant in the Soft Matter Nanostructures group.
Call for research assistant in the Cultural Heritage Research Group
Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, Poland opens a position of a research assistant in the Cultural Heritage Research Group of the Institute.
Call for scholarship for a PhD student
Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, Poland opens a position for scholarship for a PhD student in the NCN Preludium Bis project UMO-2022/47/O/ST5/01858. The planned research will be carried out in the Physicochemistry of Colloidal Systems group.
Call for Assistant Professor (adjunct) in the Cultural Heritage Research Group
Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, Poland opens a position of an assistant professor in the Cultural Heritage Research Group of the Institute.
Call for Research Assistant position in the Nano and Microscale Systems research group
Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, Poland invites applications for a position of a Research Assistant in the Nano and Microscale Systems research group.
Call for Assistant Professor (adjunct) in the Cultural Heritage Research Group
Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, Poland opens a position of an assistant professor in the Cultural Heritage Research Group of the Institute.
Call for Research assistant in the Cultural Heritage Research Group
Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, Poland opens a position of a research assistant in the Cultural Heritage Research Group of the Institute.
Call for Research Assistant position in the Nano and Microscale Systems research group
Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, Poland invites applications for a position of a Research Assistant in the Nano and Microscale Systems research group.
Seminarium instytutowe
Serdecznie zapraszamy na seminarium instytutowe, które odbędzie się w środę 25 stycznia 2023 o godzinie 10.00 w sali seminaryjnej.
Call for Research Assistant position in the Theoretical and Experimental Biocatalysis research group
Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry PAS invites applications for an Assistant in the Theoretical and Experimental Biocatalysis group.