Commercial Services at ICSC PAS
The Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, provides services as part of external contracts, in cooperation with the scientific community and industrial partners in Poland and abroad.
We offer comprehensive, professional services including consultations and analysis of samples provided by external partners, as well as detailed and exhaustive interpretation of the results obtained. The prices for each of the services listed below should be agreed upon with the heads of the respective laboratories (they will depend on the number of samples, the scope of research, and the interpretation of the results). Each study concludes with the preparation of a report, which is delivered along with the results to the commissioning party.
We warmly invite you to cooperate with us!
Laboratory of Bioprocess Development / Research Group on Theoretical and Experimental Biocatalysis
Services and research conducted in the Laboratory include:
- HPLC-MS/MS analyses
- Protein purification
- Bioprocess development – bacterial and yeast fermentations (substrate/strain interaction; application of advanced modeling methods in process parameterization). We offer commercial services using biorefinery facilities (e.g., development of microbiological processes from screening studies to optimization and scaling of bioprocesses up to 200L)
- Cell studies – we conduct studies using mammalian cells to evaluate materials/compounds with potential medical applications:
- Cytotoxicity testing of materials/compounds/formulations
- Cell-material interaction studies
- Imaging of cell structures in interaction with materials/compounds/formulations
Dr. hab. Maciej Guzik, Assoc. Prof. / Prof. Dr. hab. Tomasz Borowski
Laboratory of Atomic Force Microscopy
Services and research conducted in the Laboratory include:
- Surface topography determination (AFM)
We also have the capability to measure:
- Zeta potential
- Nanoparticle size (DLS – dynamic light scattering)
- Electrophoretic mobility (Malvern instruments)
- Viscosity and density of liquids
Dr. hab. Jakub Barbasz, Assoc. Prof.
Laboratory of Nanotechnology
Services and research conducted in the Nanotechnology Laboratory include:
- Synthesis of polymer nanoparticles 50-200nm (hydrophobic polymers including PCL, PLA, etc.)
- Synthesis of silver nanoparticles (d<10nm)
- Synthesis of core/shell metallic nanoparticles, e.g., Nickel/Silver (60, 100, 250, 400 nm)
- Physicochemical characterization of micro/nanoparticles:
- Size measurements (hydrodynamic diameter) of micro/nanoparticles (DLS, NTA)
- Concentration measurements of nanoparticle suspensions (NTA)
- Zeta potential measurements (LDV)
- Spectrofluorimetric measurements of samples (volume/surface)
- Spectrophotometric characterization of samples (UV-Vis)
- Characterization of the conductive properties of nanomaterials/coatings (four-electrode method)
- Corrosion studies (corrosion chambers: salt spray tests, acidic salt spray tests, filamentary corrosion), Machu test
Dr. hab. Krzysztof Szczepanowicz, Assoc. Prof.
Laboratory of Scanning Electron Microscopy
Services provided in the SEM Laboratory include:
- Imaging of material surface morphology (secondary electrons, SE)
- Imaging with chemical composition contrast (backscattered electrons, BSE)
- Imaging of samples using a thin layer of material (transmitted electrons, TE)
- Microarea chemical composition analysis (characteristic X-ray radiation). We thoroughly analyze the elemental composition of the examined objects at the microscale. We offer various analysis techniques such as point analysis, selected area analysis, frame analysis, line scan, and element mapping on a selected area.
We analyze a wide range of samples, including advanced engineering products, archaeological artifacts, natural raw materials, and biological samples.
Dr. Dorota Duraczyńska / Dr. hab. Małgorzata Zimowska
Laboratory of X-ray Diffraction and Thermal Analysis
Services provided in the X-ray diffraction and thermal analysis laboratory include:
- Qualitative and quantitative phase analysis – powder X-ray diffraction method (XRPD)
- Determination of adsorption isotherms – specific surface area and pore distribution measurements (BET)
- Thermal analysis TG/DSC
- Investigation of hydrogenation reactions over a wide range of pressures
Prof. Dr. hab. Wiesław Łasocha
Laboratory of Surfaces and Nanostructures
Services provided in the Laboratory include:
- Elemental composition analysis of the surface layer of provided samples using a broad energy range survey spectrum 0-1100 eV
- High-resolution spectra for elements present on analyzed surfaces (for surface concentrations no less than 0.1 % at.)
- Analysis and interpretation of high-resolution spectra highlighting present chemical bonds and determining the oxidation states of analyzed elements
Laboratory of Electrochemistry and Corrosion Studies
Services undertaken in the Laboratory include:
- Assessment of corrosion damage: visual inspection determining the quantity, intensity, and size of damage and changes in coating appearance
- Tests of protective layers according to standards: PN-EN ISO 3210; PN-EN ISO 2360; PN-EN ISO 2143 and QUALANOD recommendations
- Non-destructive coating thickness measurements using magnetic induction and eddy current methods or optical methods
- Salt spray tests conducted according to the “ISO 9227:2017 Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres – Salt spray tests” standard, or according to customer guidelines. Tests can be performed under neutral and acidic conditions.
- Rapid corrosion test (Machu test) and tests compliant with Qualicoat standard. These tests evaluate the resistance of paint coating systems to atmospheric conditions, pigment fading, coating hazing, and gloss loss. A 24-hour test duration corresponds to 500 hours in the salt spray chamber. A 48-hour test duration corresponds to 1000 hours in the salt spray chamber.
- Thermostated electrochemical measurements (thermostated electrochemical cells, temperature range –10°C – 97°C) and long-term in vitro biodegradation tests (thermostated chamber, temperature range 20°C–70°C)
- Classical oxidation and microarc oxidation (MAO) or plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO), cathodic deposition of metals/alloys/composites. Thermostated anodizing is available (thermostated electrochemical cells, temperature range –10°C–97°C).
- Elemental composition analysis (XRF): solid samples, powder samples, liquid samples. Measurements under vacuum, gas flow (nitrogen, argon), and ambient conditions. Quantitative and qualitative composition analysis.
Laboratory of Microscopy and Ellipsometry
Services provided in the Laboratory, depending on the type of apparatus used, include:
- Confocal Microscope LSM 780
- Imaging of fluorescent samples, including 3D imaging (biological materials – tissue and cell structures, bacteria, non-biological materials – emulsions, foams, nanoparticles, gels)
- Imaging of autofluorescent materials
- Live-cell and tissue sample imaging in controlled environmental conditions: temperature, humidity, CO2, and O2 levels
- Spectral imaging and advanced separation of overlapping emission spectra
- Determining nanoparticle mobility in fluorescent samples by photobleaching – Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching (FRAP)
- Determining nanoparticle diffusion coefficient by Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS)
- Recording interactions between molecules by Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET)
- Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging
- Optical Microscope Leica DM400-M
- Examination of rock, mineral, ore, and textile morphology
- Observation of biological samples, cell and tissue structures
- Study of liquid crystals – phase change observations, determination of phase transition temperatures
- IR Microscope Nicolet iN10 and IR Spectrophotometer Nicolet iS10
- Analysis of small particle defects
- Quality control
- Material engineering
- Contamination identification
- Analysis of paints, inks, varnishes, packaging, pharmaceuticals, microelectronics, coatings, pigments, cosmetics, fiber, paper chemistry
- Identification of chemical compounds, functional groups in tested samples (polymers, proteins, polyelectrolyte films, drug chemical compositions, drug chemical structures)
- Ellipsometer ep4
- Determination of thin film thickness and selected optical parameters (e.g., refractive index and light absorption) on SiO2 substrates
- Study of amphiphilic molecules, proteins, drugs, extracts, DNA, nanoparticles, etc., at the air-water interface
- Spectroscopic ellipsometry on small optical fibers and waveguides with lateral resolution up to 1µm
- Precise measurement of refractive index on waveguides, vertical walls, and fiber ends with a relative refractive index difference < 0.001
- Quartz Crystal Microbalance QCM-D
- Studies of lipid, protein, surfactant, nanoparticle, polymer, and cell adsorption on solid surfaces (silicon, gold)
- Determination of the mass and thickness of adsorbed substances, determination of viscoelastic coefficients
- Studies of adsorption, desorption, binding, degradation, swelling, cross-linking of deposited materials
Dr. Eng. Lilianna Szyk-Warszyńska
Research Group on Interfacial Interactions in Dispersed Systems
The research group offers the following services:
- Measurements of equilibrium and dynamic contact angles to determine the hydrophilic-hydrophobic properties of solid surfaces (hysteresis, surface free energy, etc.) – DataPhysics OCA15EC apparatus
- Measurements of equilibrium and dynamic surface (interfacial) tensions on liquid phase boundaries by drop/bubble shape analysis (monitoring adsorption/desorption kinetics on interfacial surfaces, determination of diffusion constants, rheological properties) – SInterface PAT-1 apparatus
- Foam property measurements – determination of solution foaming ability and foam stability analysis – Krüss DFA100 apparatus
- Thin film stability studies using interferometric method (foam films, wetting films)
Prof. dr hab. Jan Zawała / Dr. Dominik Kosior
Our Clients Include:
ABC COLOREX Sp. z o.o., ORLEN Południe S.A., BIGA-STAL Piotr Bicz Sp. jawna, BIOMEX Sp. z o.o., CBRTP S.A., Olimp Laboratories Sp. z o.o., Grupa Azoty, PREVAC Sp. z o.o., BIOMED S.A., Biofarm Sp. z o.o., NGCH sp. z o.o, MICROBE PLUS, Polfarmex S.A., Państwowe Muzeum w Oświęcimiu.