Zmień swoje zdjęcie w tle Prześlij Zmień swoje zdjęcie w tlePrześlij Zmień swoje zdjęcie w tle Dominik Kosior dr inż.••+48 12 6395 133•Adiunkt•125, 126•Oddziaływania międzyfazowe w układach zdyspergowanych Status konta użytkownika to Approved dr inż.••+48 12 6395 133•Adiunkt•125, 126•Oddziaływania międzyfazowe w układach zdyspergowanych Profil Profil Tematyka badawcza Tematyka badawcza Metodyka Metodyka Publikacje Publikacje Patenty Patenty M. Morga, D. Kosior, M. Nattich-Rak, I. Leszczyńska, P. Batys, Z. Adamczyk, A. M. Leshansky, Kinetics of Macroion Adsorption on Silica: Complementary Theoretical and Experimental Investigations for Poly‑L‑arginine, Langmuir (2025-02-04) 2248-2258. D. Kosior, A. Wiertel-Pochopien, M. Morga, L. Witkowski, J. Zawala, Effect of Synthetic Polypeptide–Bio-Surfactant Composition on the Formation and Stability of Foams, Minerals MDPI 14 (2024-10-30) 1110. M. Nattich-Rak, D. Kosior, M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, Kinetics of Human Serum Albumin Adsorption on Polycation Functionalized Silica, Biomolecules 14 (2024-04-29) 531 (1-16). D. Kosior, A. Wiertel-Pochopien, P. B. Kowalczuk, J. Zawala, Bubble Formation and Motion in Liquids—A Review, Minerals 13 (2023-08-26) 1130. M. Gvaramia, P. Maroni, D. Kosior, Depletion of Polyelectrolytes near Like-Charged Substrates Probed by Optical Reflectivity, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 126 (2022-07-14) 12313-12317. M. Morga, P. Batys, D. Kosior, P. Bonarek, Z. Adamczyk, Poly-L-Arginine Molecule Properties in Simple Electrolytes: Molecular Dynamic Modeling and Experiments, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (2022-03-17) 3588. D. Kosior, M. Gvaramia, L. Scarratt, P. Maroni, G. Trefalt, M. Borkovec, Thickness of the particle-free layer near charged interfaces in suspensions of like-charged nanoparticles, Soft Matter 17 (2021-05-27) 6212-6224. J. Zawala, D. Kosior, K. Malysa, Ruch pęcherzyka w cieczach i fizykochemiczna metoda detekcji zanieczyszczeń powierzchniowo-aktywnych w wodzie, Wiadomości Chemiczne 75 (2021-05-17) 1317-1342. D. Kosior, P. Maroni, M. Borkovec, Particle Deposition to Silica Surfaces Functionalized with Cationic Polyelectrolytes, Colloids Interfaces 5 (2021-05-01) 26. D. Kosior, P. Maroni, M. Borkovec, Particle Deposition to Silica Surfaces Functionalized with Cationic Polyelectrolytes, Colloids Interfaces 5 (2021-05-01) 26. A. Wiertel-Pochopien, D. Kosior, J. Zawala, Effect of dynamic adsorption layer over colliding bubble on rate of solid surface dewetting in cationic surfactant solutions, Min. Eng. 165 (2021-01-01) 106850. P. Maroni, M. Gvaramia, D. Kosior, K. Kubiak, L. Scarratt, A.M. Smith, D.G. Merkel, L. Bottyan, M. Borkovec, Structuring of colloidal silica nanoparticle suspensions near water–silica interfaces probed by specular neutron reflectivity, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 22 (2020-02-25) 6449-6456. M. Borkowski, D. Kosior, J. Zawala, Effect of initial adsorption coverage and dynamic adsorption layer formation at bubble surface in stability of single foam films, Colloids Surf. A: 589 (2020-01-01) 124446. D. Kosior, M. Morga, P. Maroni, M. Cieśla, Z. Adamczyk, Formation of Poly-L-Lysine Monolayers on Silica: Modeling and Experimental Studies, J. Phys. Chem. C ACS 124 (2020-01-01) 4571-4581. M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, D. Kosior, M. Kujda-Kruk, Kinetics of Poly-l-lysine Adsorption on Mica and Stability of Formed Monolayers: Theoretical and Experimental Studies, Langmuir ACS 35 (2019-01-01) 12042-12052. D. Kosior, J. Zawała, Initial degree of detaching bubble adsorption coverage and kinetics of dynamic adsorption layer formation, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 20 (2018-01-01) 2403-2412. M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, D. Kosior, M. Oćwieja, Hematite/Silica Nanoparticle Bilayers at Mica: AFM and Electrokinetic Characteristics, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 20 (2018-01-01) 15368-15379. D. Kosior, E. Ngo, Y. Xu, Aggregates in Paraffinic Froth Treatment: Settling Properties and Structure, Energy Fuels 32 (2018-01-01) 8268-8276. Z. Adamczyk, M. Morga, D. Kosior, P. Batys, Conformations of Poly-L-lysine Molecules in Electrolyte Solutions: Modeling and Experimental Measurements, J. Phys. Chem. C 122 (2018-01-01) 23180-23190. D. Kosior, P.B. Kowalczuk, J. Zawała, Surface roughness in bubble attachment and flotation of highly hydrophobic solids in presence of frother – experiment and simulations, Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 541 (2018-01-01) 63-72. M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, D. Kosior, Silica Nanoparticle Monolayers on a Macroion Modified Surface: Formation Mechanism and Stability, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 19 (2017-01-01) 22721-22732. D. Kosior, E. Ngo, T. Dabros, Determination of the Settling Rate of Aggregates Using the Ultrasound Method during Paraffinic Froth Treatment, Energy Fuels 30 (2016-08-29) 8192-8199. J. Zawała, D. Kosior, Dynamics of dewetting and bubble attachment to rough hydrophobic surfaces - measurements and modelling, Miner. Eng. 85 (2016-01-01) 112-122. J. Zawała, D. Kosior, T. Dąbroś, K. Małysa, Influence of bubble surface fluidity on collision kinetics and attachment to hydrophobic solids, Colloids Surf. A: 505 (2016-01-01) 47–55. P. B. Kowalczuk, J. Zawała, D. Kosior, K. Małysa, J. Drzymała, Three-phase contact formation and flotation of highly hydrophobic polytetrafluoroethylene in the presence of increased dose of frothers, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 55 (2016-01-01) 839-843. M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, D. Kosior, Silica Monolayer Formation and Stability Determined by in situ Streaming Potential Measurements, Electrochim. Acta 206 (2016-01-01) 409-418. J. Zawała, D. Kosior, K. Małysa, Formation and influence of the dynamic adsorption layer on kinetics of the rising bubble collisions with solution/gas and solution/solid interfaces, Adv. Colloid Interface Sci. 222 (2015-01-01) 765–778. D. Kosior, J. Zawała, A. Niecikowska, K. Małysa, Influence of non-ionic and ionic surfactants on kinetics of the bubble attachment to hydrophilic and hydrophobic solids, Colloids Surf. A: 470 (2015-01-01) 333–341. D. Kosior, J. Zawała, K. Małysa, Influence of n-octanol on the bubble impact velocity, bouncing and the three phase contact formation at hydrophobic solid surfaces, Colloids Surf. A: 441 (2014-01-01) 788-795. D. Kosior, J. Zawała, M. Krasowska, K. Małysa, Influence of n-octanol and a-terpineol on thin film stability and bubble attachment to hydrophobic surface, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 157 (2013-01-01) 2586-2595. J. Zawała, D. Kosior, K. Małysa, Air-assisted bubble immobilization at hydrophilic porous surface, Surf. Innov. 24 (2013-01-01) 235-244. D. Kosior, J. Zawala, K. Malysa, When and how α-terpineol and n-octanol can inhibit the bubble attachment to hydrophobic surfaces, Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 47 (2011-04-26) 169-182. Dodaj publikację