Zmień swoje zdjęcie w tle Prześlij Zmień swoje zdjęcie w tlePrześlij Zmień swoje zdjęcie w tle Zbigniew Adamczyk prof. dr hab.••+48 12 6395 104•profesor emerytowany•108 Status konta użytkownika to Zatwierdzono prof. dr hab.••+48 12 6395 104•profesor emerytowany•108 Profil Profil Tematyka badawcza Tematyka badawcza Metodyka Metodyka Publikacje Publikacje Patenty Patenty M. Morga, D. Kosior, M. Nattich-Rak, I. Leszczyńska, P. Batys, Z. Adamczyk, A. M. Leshansky, Kinetics of Macroion Adsorption on Silica: Complementary Theoretical and Experimental Investigations for Poly‑L‑arginine, Langmuir (2025-02-04) 2248-2258. J. Maciejewska-Prończuk, M. Oćwieja, P. Żeliszewska, M. Wasilewska, D. Ungor, E. Csapo, L. Szyk-Warszyńska, M. Gajewska, A. Charzanowska, J. Dobrzyńska, I. Ivashchenko, K. Matras-Postołek, Z. Adamczyk, Fluorescent gold nanoclusters stabilized by lysozyme: Synthesis and deposition kinetics on silica substrates, Journal of Luminescence 277 (2025-01-01) 120912. A. Michna, D. Lupa, W. Plazinski, P. Batys, Z. Adamczyk, Physicochemical characteristics of chitosan molecules: Modeling and experiments, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 337 (2025-01-01) 103383. M. Nattich-Rak, M. Sadowska , Z. Adamczyk, T. Basinska, D. Mickiewicz, M. Gadzinowski, Deposition of Human-Serum-Albumin-Functionalized Spheroidal Particles on Abiotic Surfaces: Reference Kinetic Results for Bioparticles, Molecules 29 (2024-07-20) 3405 (1-16). A.M. Leshansky, B.Y. Rubinstein, I. Fouxon, D. Johannsmann, M. Sadowska, Z. Adamczyk, Quartz Crystal Microbalance Frequency Response to Discrete Adsorbates in Liquids, Analytical Chemistry 96 (2024-06-21) 10559−10568. M. Nattich-Rak, D. Kosior, M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, Kinetics of Human Serum Albumin Adsorption on Polycation Functionalized Silica, Biomolecules 14 (2024-04-29) 531 (1-16). M. Sadowska, M. Nattich-Rak, M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, T. Basinska, D. Mickiewicz, M. Gadzinowski, Anisotropic Particle Deposition Kinetics from Quartz Crystal Microbalance Measurements: Beyond the Sphere Paradigm, Langmuir 40 (2024-04-05) 7907−7919. A. Michna, A. Pomorska, W. Plaziński, D. Lupa, V. Lutsyk, J. Odrobińska-Baliś, S. Zapotoczny, Z. Adamczyk, Formation of modified chitosan/carrageenan multilayers at silica: Molecular dynamics modeling and experiments, Food Hydrocolloids Elsevier 146 (2024-01-01) 109222. M. Wasilewska, M. Dąbkowska, A. Pomorska, P. Batys, B. Kowalski, A. Michna, Z. Adamczyk, Mechanisms of Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 Adsorption on Macroion Layers: Molecular Dynamics Modeling and Kinetic Measurements, Biomolecules 13 (2023-11-26) 1709. J. Blawzdziewicz, Z. Adamczyk, M.L. Ekiel-Jezewska, Streaming Current for Surfaces Covered by Square and Hexagonal Monolayers of Spherical Particles, ACS Omega 8 (2023-11-14) 44717-44723. Z. Adamczyk, M. Sadowska, M. Nattich-Rak, Quantifying Nanoparticle Layer Topography: Theoretical Modeling and Atomic Force Microscopy Investigations, Langmuir 39 (2023-10-12) 15067-15077. D. Kozień, P. Żeliszewska, B. Szermer-Olearnik, Z. Adamczyk, A. Wróblewska, A. Szczygieł, K. Węgierek-Ciura, J. Mierzejewska, E. Pajtasz-Piasecka, T. Tokarski, G. Cios, S. Cudziło, Z. Pędzich, Synthesis and Characterization of Boron Carbide Nanoparticles as Potential Boron-Rich Therapeutic Carriers, Materials 16 (2023-10-02) 6534. P. Żeliszewska, M. Wasilewska, J. Szych, Z. Adamczyk, Mechanism of Anti-Salmonella Rabbit Immunoglobulin Adsorption on Polymer Particles, Biomolecules 13 (2023-09-15) 1390. P. Deptuła, K. Fiedoruk, M. Wasilewska, Ł. Suprewicz, M. Cieśluk, P. Żeliszewska, M. Oćwieja, Z. Adamczyk, K. Pogoda, R. Bucki, Physicochemical Nature of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Binding to Human Vimentin, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ACS 15 (2023-07-06) 34172-34180. P. Żeliszewska, J. Szych, M. Wasilewska, Z. Adamczyk, Kinetics of Immunolatex Deposition at Abiotic Surfaces under Flow Conditions: Towards Quantitative Agglutination Assays, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (2023-01-01) 692. M. Nattich-Rak, M. Sadowska, M. Motyczyńska, Z. Adamczyk, Mimicking Pseudo-Virion Interactions with Abiotic Surfaces: Deposition of Polymer Nanoparticles with Albumin Corona, Biomolecules MDPI 12 (2022-11-08) 1658 (1-17). M. Morga, M. Nattich-Rak, Z. Adamczyk, D. Mickiewicz, M. Gadzinowski, T. Basinska, Mechanisms of Anisotropic Particle Deposition: Prolate Spheroid Layers on Mica, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 126 (2022-10-20) 18550–18559. P. Żeliszewska, M. Wasilewska, P. Batys, K. Pogoda, P. Deptula, R. Bucki, Z. Adamczyk, SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein (RBD) Subunit Adsorption at Abiotic Surfaces and Corona Formation at Polymer Particles, International Journal of Molecular Sciences MDPI 23 (2022-10-15) 12374. M. Wasilewska, P. Żeliszewska, K. Pogoda, P. Deptula, R. Bucki, Z. Adamczyk, Human Vimentin Layers on Solid Substrates: Adsorption Kinetics and Corona Formation Investigations, Biomacromolecules ACS 23 (2022-07-13) 3308-3317. Z. Adamczyk, A. Pomorska, M. Sadowska, M. Nattich-Rak, M. Morga, T. Basińska, D. Mickiewicz, M. Gadzinowski, QCM-D Investigations of Anisotropic Particle Deposition Kinetics: Evidences of the Hydrodynamic Slip Mechanisms, Anal. Chem. ACS 94 (2022-07-01) 10234-10244. D. Lupa, W. Plazinski, A. Michna, M. Wasilewska, P. Pomastowski, A. Golebiowski, B. Buszewski, Z. Adamczyk, Chitosan characteristics in electrolyte solutions: Combined molecular dynamics modeling and slender body hydrodynamics, Carbohydrate Polymers ELSEVIER 292 (2022-06-07) 119676. Z. Adamczyk, M. Morga, M. Nattich-Rak, M. Sadowska, Nanoparticle and bioparticle deposition kinetics, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science Elsevier 302 (2022-04-01) 102630. M. Morga, P. Batys, D. Kosior, P. Bonarek, Z. Adamczyk, Poly-L-Arginine Molecule Properties in Simple Electrolytes: Molecular Dynamic Modeling and Experiments, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (2022-03-17) 3588. Z. Adamczyk, P. Batys, W. Płaziński, M. Morga, D. Lupa, A. Michna, Macroion molecule properties from slender body hydrodynamics, Polym Adv. Technol. 32 (2021-10-01) 3900-3908. A. Michna, W. Płaziński, D. Lupa, M. Wasilewska, Z. Adamczyk, Carrageenan Molecule Conformations and Electrokinetic Properties in Electrolyte Solutions: Modeling and Experimental Measurements, Food Hydrocolloids 121 (2021-09-01) 107033. P. Zeliszewska, M. Wasilewska, M. Cieśla, Z. Adamczyk, Deposition of Polymer Particles with Fibrinogen Corona at Abiotic Surfaces under Flow Conditions, Molecules 26 (2021-09-01) 6299. A. Bratek-Skicki, M. Sadowska, J. Maciejewska-Prończuk, Z. Adamczyk, Nanoparticle and Bioparticle Deposition Kinetics: Quartz Microbalance Measurements, Nanomaterials MDPI 11 (2021-01-01) 1-42. M. Nattich-Rak, A. Pomorska, P. Batys, Z. Adamczyk, Adsorption kinetic of myoglobin on mica and silica – Role of electrostatic interactions, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces Elsevier 198 (2021-01-01) 111436. M. Sadowska, M. Cieśla, Z. Adamczyk, Nanoparticle deposition on heterogeneous surfaces: Random sequential adsorption modeling and experiments, Colloids Surf. A 617 (2021-01-01) 126296-1 – 126296-9. D. Lupa, M. Oćwieja, Z. Adamczyk, Hematite/Polystyrene Raspberry‐Like Microcomposites as Stable Support for Silver Nanoparticle Immobilization, Part. Part. Syst. Charact. 2 (2021-01-01) 2000239. M. Wasilewska, M. Nattich-Rak, A. Pomorska, Z. Adamczyk, Mechanism of Myoglobin Molecule Adsorption on Silica: QCM, OWLS and AFM investigations, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health MDPI 18 (2021-01-01) 4944 (1-16). Z. Adamczyk, M. Nattich-Rak, Formation of Myoglobin Corona at Polymer Microparticles, Colloids Interfaces MDPI 5 (2021-01-01) 5 (1-11). Z. Adamczyk, P. Batys, J. Barbasz, SARS-CoV-2 Virion Physicochemical Characteristics Pertinent to Abiotic Substrate Attachment, Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science 15 (2021-01-01) 101466. Z. Adamczyk, M. Sadowska, Hydrodynamic Solvent Coupling Effects in Quartz Crystal Microbalance Measurements of Nanoparticle Deposition Kinetics, Anal. Chem., 92 (2020-01-01) 3896-3903. D. Kosior, M. Morga, P. Maroni, M. Cieśla, Z. Adamczyk, Formation of Poly-L-Lysine Monolayers on Silica: Modeling and Experimental Studies, J. Phys. Chem. C ACS 124 (2020-01-01) 4571-4581. A. Michna, A. Pomorska, M. Nattich-Rak, M. Wasilewska, Z. Adamczyk, Hydrodynamic Solvation of Poly(amido amine) Dendrimer Monolayers on Silica, J. Phys. Chem. C ACS 124 (2020-01-01) 17684−17695. M. Nattich-Rak, M. Dąbkowska, Z. Adamczyk, Microparticle Deposition on Human Serum Albumin Layers: Unraveling Anomalous Adsorption Mechanism, Colloids Interfaces MDPI 4 (2020-01-01) 51, 1-15. Z. Adamczyk, M. Sadowska, P. Żeliszewska, Applicability of QCM‑D for Quantitative Measurements of Nano- and Microparticle Deposition Kinetics: Theoretical Modeling and Experiments, Anal. Chem. ACS 92 (2020-01-01) 15087−15095. P. Batys, M. Nattich-Rak, Z. Adamczyk, Myoglobin molecule charging in electrolyte solutions, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. Royal Society of Chemistry 22 (2020-01-01) 26764-26775. M. Morga, M. Nattich-Rak, M. Oćwieja, Z. Adamczyk, Gold Substrates of Controlled Roughness and Electrokinetic Properties Formed by Nanoparticle Deposition, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21 (2019-01-01) 6535-6543. P. Żeliszewska, M. Sadowska, M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, Mechanism of Fibrinogen /Microparticle Complex Deposition on Solid Substrates: Role of pH, Colloids Surf., B Elsevier 184 (2019-01-01) 110424-1-110424-7. M. Wasilewska, Z. Adamczyk, M. Sadowska, F. Boulmedais, M. Cieśla, Mechanism of Fibrinogen Adsorption on Silica Sensor at Various pHs: Experiments and Theoretical Modeling, Langmuir ACS 35 (2019-01-01) 11275-11284. D. Lupa, M. Oćwieja, N. Piergies, A. Baliś, C. Paluszkiewicz, Z. Adamczyk, Gold Nanoparticles Deposited on Silica Microparticles-Electrokinetic Characteristics and Application in SERS, Colloid Interfac. Sci. Elsevier 33 (2019-01-01) 100219. M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, D. Kosior, M. Kujda-Kruk, Kinetics of Poly-l-lysine Adsorption on Mica and Stability of Formed Monolayers: Theoretical and Experimental Studies, Langmuir ACS 35 (2019-01-01) 12042-12052. Z. Adamczyk, N. Dan, Editotrial Overview:Theory and Simulation Proteins at Interfaces: How Physics Comes to Life, Curr. Opin. Colloid Interface Sci. 41 (2019-01-01) A1-A3. M.L. Ekiel-Jeżewska, Z. Adamczyk, J. Bławzdziewicz, Streaming Current and Effective ζ‑Potential for Particle-Covered Surfaces with Random Particle Distributions, J. Phys. Chem. C ACS 123 (2019-01-01) 3517−3531. J. Maciejewska-Prończuk, M. Oćwieja, Z. Adamczyk, A. Pomorska, Formation of Gold Nanoparticle Bilayers on Gold Sensors, Colloids Surf., A 560 (2019-01-01) 393-401. A. Michna, P. Batys, M. Morga, A. Pomorska, M. Wytrwal-Sarna, M. Kepczynski, Z. Adamczyk, Formation of Strong Polycation (Poly[(3-allylamino-2- hydroxypropyl)trimethylammonium chloride]) Monolayers on Mica, Silica, and Gold Substrates: Modeling and Experimental Studies, J. Phys. Chem. C 123 (2019-01-01) 19022-19032. A. Michna, M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, K. Kubiak, Monolayers of Silver Nanoparticles Obtained by Green Synthesis on Macrocation Modified Substrates, Mater. Chem. Phys. 227 (2019-01-01) 224-235. M. Wasilewska, Z. Adamczyk, A. Pomorska, M. Nattich-Rak, M. Sadowska, Human Serum Albumin Adsorption Kinetics on Silica: Influence of Protein Solution Stability, Langmuir ACS 35 (2019-01-01) 2639-2648. Z. Adamczyk, Protein Adsorption: A Quest for a Universal Mechanism, Curr. Opin. Colloid Interface Sci. 41 (2019-01-01) 50-65. M. Wasilewska, Z. Adamczyk, M. Oćwieja, D. Wojnar, P. Żeliszewska, Silver Nanoparticle/Fibrinogen Bilayers – Mechanism of Formation and Stability Determined by in Situ Electrokinetic Measurements, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 513 (2018-01-01) 170-179. Z. Adamczyk, M. Nattich-Rak, M. Dąbkowska, M. Kujda-Kruk, Albumin Adsorption at Solid Substrates: A Quest for a Unified Approach, J. Colloid Interface Sci. Elsevier 514 (2018-01-01) 769–790. M. Dąbkowska, Z. Adamczyk, M. Cieśla, M. Adamczak, J. Bober, Lysozyme Monolayers at polymer Micoparticles: Electrokinetic Characteristics and Modeling, J. Phys Chem. C. 122 (2018-01-01) 17846-17855. A. Pomorska, Z. Adamczyk, M. Nattich-Rak, M. Sadowska, Kinetics of Human Serum Albumin Adsorption at Silica Sensor: Unveiling Dynamic Hydration Function, Colloids Surf., B 167 (2018-01-01) 377-384. D. Lupa, Z. Adamczyk, M. Oćwieja, D. Duraczyńska, Formation, Properties and Stability of Silver Nanoparticle Monolayers at PDADMAC Modified Polystyrene Microparticles, Colloids Surf., A 554 (2018-01-01) 317-325. M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, D. Kosior, M. Oćwieja, Hematite/Silica Nanoparticle Bilayers at Mica: AFM and Electrokinetic Characteristics, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 20 (2018-01-01) 15368-15379. Z. Adamczyk, A. Pomorska, M. Nattich-Rak, M. Wytrwał – Sarna, A. Bernasik, Protein Adsorption Mechanisms at Rough Surfaces: Serum Albumin at a Gold Substrate, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 530 (2018-01-01) 631–641. Z. Adamczyk, M. Morga, D. Kosior, P. Batys, Conformations of Poly-L-lysine Molecules in Electrolyte Solutions: Modeling and Experimental Measurements, J. Phys. Chem. C 122 (2018-01-01) 23180-23190. M. Oćwieja, D. Lupa, Z. Adamczyk, Gold Nanoparticle Layers on Polystyrene Microspheres of Controlled Structure and Electrokinetic Properties, Langmuir 34 (2018-01-01) 8489-8489. Z. Adamczyk, Potential Interactions Among Particles, in: Interface Science and Technology Interface Science and Technology 20 (2017-01-01) 2-689. P. Żeliszewska, M. Wasilewska, Z. Adamczyk, Monolayers of Immunoglobulin G on Polystyrene Microparticles and their Interactions with Human Serum Albumin, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 490 (2017-01-01) 587-597. M. Sadowska, Z. Adamczyk, M. Nattich-Rak, Formation of Hematite Nanoparticle Monolayers of Controlled Coverage and Structure at Polymeric Microparticles, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 505 (2017-01-01) 509–518. J. Maciejewska-Prończuk, M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, M. Oćwieja, M. Zimowska, Homogeneous Gold Nanoparticle Monolayers - QCM and Electrokinetic Characteristics, Colloids Surf., A 514 (2017-01-01) 226-235. A. Michna, Z. Adamczyk, K. Sofinska, K. Matusik, Monolayers of Poly(amido amine) Dendrimers on Mica – In situ Streaming Potential Measurements, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 485 (2017-01-01) 232-241. M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, D. Kosior, Silica Nanoparticle Monolayers on a Macroion Modified Surface: Formation Mechanism and Stability, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 19 (2017-01-01) 22721-22732. M. Nattich-Rak, M. Sadowska, Z. Adamczyk, M. Cieśla, M. Kąkol, Formation Mechanism of Human Serum Albumin Monolayers on Positively Charged Polymer Microparticles, Colloids Surf., B Elsevier 159 (2017-01-01) 929–936. M. Oćwieja, J. Maciejewska-Prończuk, Z. Adamczyk, M. Roman, Formation of Positively Charged Gold Nanoparticle Monolayers on Silica Sensors, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 501 (2017-01-01) 192–201. M. Oćwieja, K. Matras-Postołek, J. Maciejewska-Prończuk, M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, S. Sovinska, A. Żaba, M. Gajewska, T. Król, K. Cupiał, M. Bredol, Formation and Stability of Manganese-Doped ZnS Quantum Dot Monolayers Determined by QCM-D and Streaming Potential Measurements, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 503 (2017-01-01) 186-197. M. Oćwieja, A. Węgrzynowicz, J. Maciejewska-Prończuk, P. Michorczyk, Z. Adamczyk, M. Roman, E. Bielańska, Preparation of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Doped by Chromium for Application in Water - Gas Shift Reaction, Colloids Surf., A 523 (2017-01-01) 71-80. M. Morga, A. Michna, Z. Adamczyk, Formation and Stability of Polyelectrolyte/Polypeptide Monolayers Determined by Electrokinetic Measurements, Colloids Surf., A 529 (2017-01-01) 302 -310. M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, T. Basinska, P. Komar, M. Gosecka, P. Żeliszewska, M. Wasilewska, Spheroidal Microparticle Monolayers Characterized by Streaming Potential Measurements, Langmuir 33 (2017-01-01) 9916-9925. K. Kubiak, Z. Adamczyk, M. Cieśla, Fibrinogen Adsorption Mechanisms at the Gold Substrate Revealed by QCM-D Measurements and RSA Modeling, Colloids Surf., B 139 (2016-01-01) 123-131. A. Michna, Z. Adamczyk, M. Williams, S. P. Armes, Streaming Potential Studies of the Adsorption of Fluorescently - Labeled Poly(ethylene imine) onto Mica, Colloids Surf., A 494 (2016-01-01) 256-265. P. Żeliszewska, A. Bratek-Skicki, Z. Adamczyk, M. Cieśla, Modelling and Measurements of Fibrinogen Adsorption on Positively Charged Microspheres, Condens. Matter Phys. 19 (2016-01-01) 13801-13014. M. Nattich-Rak, Z. Adamczyk, M. Kujda, Revealing Deposition Mechanism of Colloid Particles on Human Serum Albumin Monolayers, Colloids Surf., B 137 (2016-01-01) 176-182. M. Sadowska, Z. Adamczyk, M. Oćwieja, M. Nattich-Rak, Monolayers of Silver Nanoparticles on Positively Charged Polymermicrospheres, Colloids Surf., A 499 (2016-01-01) 1-9. M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, D. Kosior, Silica Monolayer Formation and Stability Determined by in situ Streaming Potential Measurements, Electrochim. Acta 206 (2016-01-01) 409-418. M. Góra, Z. Adamczyk, M. Nattich-Rak, B. Kozik, K. Jamroży, D. Dronka-Góra, Wpływ Soli Nieorganicznych i Środków Powierzchniowo Czynnych na Proces Wstępnej Hydrolizy Celulozy i Materiałów Lignocelulozowych, w: Biorafineryjne wytwarzanie paliw alternatywnych – uwarunkowania procesowe Wydawnictwo UWMOlsztyn (2016-01-01) 37-54. Z. Adamczyk, M. Oćwieja, H. Mrowiec, S. Walas, D. Lupa, Oxidative Dissolution of Silver Nanoparticles: A New Theoretical Approach, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 469 (2016-01-01) 355-364. K. Sofińska, Z. Adamczyk, J. Barbasz, Mechanism of Immunoglobulin G Adsorption on Polystyrene Microspheres, Colloids Surf., B 137 (2016-01-01) 183-196. M. Wasilewska, Z. Adamczyk, T. Basinska, M. Gosecka, D. Lupa, Monolayers of Poly(styrene/α-tert-butoxy-ω-vinylbenzyl-polyglycidol) Microparticles Formed by Controlled Self-Assembly with Potential Application as Protein-Repelling Substrates, Langmuir 32 (2016-01-01) 9566-9574. K. Kubiak, Z. Adamczyk, J. Maciejewska, M. Oćwieja, Gold Nanoparticle Monolayers of Controlled Coverage and Structure, J. Phys. Chem. C 120 (2016-01-01) 11807-11819. M. Kujda, Z. Adamczyk, M. Cieśla, Monolayers of the HSA Dimer on Polymeric Microparticles - Electrokinetic Characteristics, Colloids Surf., B 148 (2016-01-01) 229-237. J. Maciejewska, Z. Adamczyk, M. Oćwieja, E. Bielańska, B. Daria Napruszewska, Titanium Dioxide/Silver Nanoparticle Bilayers Prepared in Self - Assembly Processes, Annales UMCS Sectio AA Chemistry 1 (2016-01-01) 29-46. K. Sofińska, Z. Adamczyk, Quantitative adsorption of IgG on colloidal particles as a new method for preparation of low-cost immunoassays, FEBS Journal 2015 (2015-01-01) 350. M. Nattich-Rak, Z. Adamczyk, M. Wasilewska, M. Sadowska, Revealing Fibrinogen Monolayer Conformations at Different pHs: Electrokinetic and Colloid Deposition Studies, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 449 (2015-01-01) 62-71. A. Michna, Z. Adamczyk, P. Batys, Mapping Single Macromolecule Chains Using the Colloid Deposition Method: PDADMAC on Mica, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 450 (2015-01-01) 82-90. M. Kujda, M. Oćwieja, Z. Adamczyk, O. Bocheńska, G. Braś, A. Kozik, E. Bielańska, J. Barbasz, Charge-Stabilized Silver Nanoparticles Applied as Antibacterial Agents, J. Nanosci. Nanotechno. 15 (2015-01-01) 3574-3583. M. Oćwieja, Z. Adamczyk, M. Morga, Adsorption of Tannic Acid on Polyelectrolyte Monolayers Determined in Situ by Streaming Potential Measurements, J. Colloid Interface Sci. Elsevier 438 (2015-01-01) 249-258. M. Oćwieja, Z. Adamczyk, M. Morga, K. Kubiak, Influence of Supporting Polyelectrolyte on Coverage and Stability of Silver Nanoparticle Coatings, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 445 (2015-01-01) 205-212. K. Kubiak, Z. Adamczyk, M. Oćwieja, Kinetics of Silver Nanoparticle Deposition at PAH Monolayers: Reference QCM Results, Langmuir 31 (2015-01-01) 2988–2996. M. Oćwieja, A. Popov, Z. Adamczyk, M. Morga, A. Ramanaviciene, A. Ramanavisius, Deposition of Silver Nanoparticles from Suspensions Containing Tannic Acid, Colloids Surf., A 477 (2015-01-01) 70-76. M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, S. Godrich, M. Oćwieja, G. Papastavrou, Monolayers of Poly-L-lysine on Mica – Electrokinetic Characteristics, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 456 (2015-01-01) 116-124. M. Kujda, Z. Adamczyk, M. Morga, K. Sofińska, Recombinant Albumin Adsorption on Mica Studied by AFM Andstreaming Potential Measurements, Colloids Surf., B 127 (2015-01-01) 192-199. M. Kujda, Z. Adamczyk, M. Cieśla, M. Adamczyk, High Density Monolayers of Plasmid Protein on Latex Particles: Experiments and Theoretical Modeling, J. Stat. Mech. 2015 (2015-01-01) P04003. K. Kubiak, Z. Adamczyk, M. Wasilewska, Mechanisms of Fibrinogen Adsorption at the Silica Substrate Determined by QCM-D Measurements, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 457 (2015-01-01) 378-387. M. Oćwieja, Z. Adamczyk, M. Morga, pH-Controlled Desorption of Silver Nanoparticles from Monolayers Deposited on PAH-Covered Mica, J. Nanopart. Res. 17235 (2015-01-01) 1-14. M. Oćwieja, Z. Adamczyk, M. Morga, K. Kubiak, Silver Particle Monolayers - Formation, Stability, Applications, Adv. Colloid Interface Sci. 222 (2015-01-01) 530–563. P. Żeliszewska, A. Bratek-Skicki, Z. Adamczyk, Revealing Adsorption Mechanism of Human Fibrinogen on Positively Charge Latex, FEBS Journal (Suppl. 1) 282 (2015-01-01) 330. A. Bratek-Skicki, P. Żeliszewska, Z. Adamczyk, Human Fibrinogen Monolayers under Aqueous Conditions, FEBS Journal 282 (2015-01-01) 335-336. M. Sadowska, M. Nattich-Rak, Z. Adamczyk, M. Wasilewska, Revealing Human Fb Monolayer Conformations at Different pHs, FEBS Journal (Suppl. 1) 282 (2015-01-01) 207. M. Sadowska, M. Nattich-Rak, Z. Adamczyk, Mechanism of Nanoparticle Deposition on Polystyrene Latex Particles revealed by electrokinetic, AFM and SEM measurements, FEBS Journal (Suppl. 1) 282 (2015-01-01) 208. K. Sofińska, Z. Adamczyk, M. Kujda, M. Nattich-Rak, Recombinant Albumin Monolayers on Latex Particles, Langmuir 30 (2014-01-01) 250-258. M. Sadowska, Z. Adamczyk, M. Nattich-Rak, Mechanism of Nanoparticle Deposition on Polystyrene Latex Particles, Langmuir 30 (2014-01-01) 692-699. A. Bratek-Skicki, P. Żeliszewska, Z. Adamczyk, Human Fibrinogen Adsorption on Latex Particles at pH 7.4 Studied by Electrophoretic Mobility and AFM Measurements, Curr. Top. Med. Chem. 14 (2014-01-01) 640-8. Z. Adamczyk, A. Bratek-Skicki, P. Żeliszewska, M. Wasilewska, Mechanisms of Fibrinogen Adsorption at Solid Substrates, Curr. Top. Med. 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Kujda, Monolayers of Human Albumins on Colloidal Carrier Particles and Flat Surfaces: Thorough Physicochemical Characteristics in Terms of Electrokinetic Methods, FEBS Journal, (Suppl. 1) 281 (2014-01-01) 413. P. Żeliszewska, A. Bratek-Skicki, Z. Adamczyk, M. Cieśla, Human Fibrinogen Adsorption on Positively Charged Latex Particles, Langmuir 30 (2014-01-01) 11165-11174. Z. Adamczyk, K. Jamroży, P. Batys, A. Michna, Influence of Ionic Strength on Poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) Macromolecule Conformations in Electrolyte Solutions, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 435 (2014-01-01) 182-190. M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, M. Oćwieja, E. Bielańska, Hematite/Silver Nanoparticle Bilayers on Mica – AFM, SEM and Streaming Potential Studies, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 424 (2014-01-01) 75-83. M. Oćwieja, A. Gorczyca, M. Niemiec, Z. Adamczyk, E. Pociecha, Effect of Charge-Stabilized Silver Nanoparticles with Various Surface Properties on Physiological State of Seedlings of Triticum Aestivum, FEBS Journal. (Suppl. 1) 65783281 (2014-01-01) 622. U. Bubniene, M. Oćwieja, B. Bugelyte, Z. Adamczyk, M. Nattich-Rak, J. Voronovic, A. Ramanaviciene, A. Ramanavicius, Deposition of Gold Nanoparticles on Mica Modified by Poly(allylaminehydrochloride) Monolayers, Colloids Surf., A 441 (2014-01-01) 204-210. M. Kujda, M. Oćwieja, Z. Adamczyk, O. Bocheńska, G. Bras, A. Kozik, E. Bielańska, J. Barbasz, Antibacterial Properties of Charged-Stabilized Silver Nanoparticles, FEBS Journal, (Suppl. 1) 280 (2013-01-01) 608-609. P. Żeliszewska, A. Bratek-Skicki, Z. Adamczyk, Mechanisms of Human Fibrynogen Adsorption on Colloid Particles Determined by Electrokinetic and AFM Measuremnts, FEBS Journal, (Suppl. 1) 280 (2013-01-01) 159. Z. Adamczyk, Diffusion of Particles, in: Encyclopedia of Colloid and Interface Science Springer VerlangBerlin Heidelberg 126 (2013-01-01) 247. M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, M. Oćwieja, Stability of Silver Nanoparticle Monolayers Determined in situ by Streaming Potential Measurements, J. Nanopart. Res. 15 (2013-01-01) 2076-2090. M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, Monolayers of Cationic Polyelectrolytes on Mica - Electrokinetic Studies, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 407 (2013-01-01) 196-204. A. Michna, Z. Adamczyk, K. Jamroży, Kinetics of Fluorescent Latex Particle Deposition at Polyelectrolyte Monolayers Determined by in situ Measurements, Colloids Surf., A 436 (2013-01-01) 237-244. M. Dąbkowska, Z. Adamczyk, M. Kujda, Mechanism of HSA Adsorption on Mica Determined by Streaming Potential, AFM and XPS Measurements, Colloids Surf., B 101 (2013-01-01) 237-244. M. Kujda, Z. Adamczyk, G. Jagura-Burdzy, M. Adamczyk, KfrA Plasmid Protein Monolayers on Latex Particles - Electrokinetic Measurements, Colloids Surf., B 121 (2013-01-01) 165-170. A. Bratek-Skicki, P. Żeliszewska, Z. Adamczyk, Tuning Conformations of Fibrinogen Monolayers on Latex Particles by pH of Adsorption, Colloids Surf., B 103 (2013-01-01) 482-488. M. Oćwieja, Z. Adamczyk, Monolayers of Silver Nanoparticles Obtained by Chemical Reduction Methods, Surf. Innov. 2 (2013-01-01) 160-172. A. Bratek-Skicki, P. Żeliszewska, Z. Adamczyk, M. Cieśla, Human Fibrinogen Monolayers on Latex Particles: Role of Ionic Strength, Langmuir 29 (2013-01-01) 3700-3710. Z. Adamczyk, M. Kujda, M. Nattich-Rak, M. Ludwiczak, G. Jagura-Burdzy, M. Adamczyk, Revealing Properties of the KfrA Plasmid Protein Via Combined DLS, AFM and Electrokinetic Measurements, Colloids Surf., B 103 (2013-01-01) 635-641. M. Cieśla, Z. Adamczyk, J. Barbasz, M. Wasilewska, Mechanisms of Fibrinogen Adsorption at Solid Substrates at Lower pH, Langmuir 29 (2013-01-01) 7005-7016. Z. Adamczyk, M. Nattich-Rak, M. Sadowska, A. Michna, K. Szczepaniak, Mechanisms of Nanoparticle and Bioparticle Deposition - Kinetic Aspects, Colloids Surf., A 439 (2013-01-01) 3-22. M. Oćwieja, Z. Adamczyk, Controlled Release of Silver Nanoparticles from Monolayers Deposited on PAH Covered Mica, Langmuir 29 (2013-01-01) 3546-3555. M. Oćwieja, M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, Self - Assembled Silver Nanoparticles Monolayers on Mica - AFM, SEM and Electrokinetic Characteristics, J. Nanopart. Res. 15 (2013-01-01) 1460. Z. Adamczyk, M. Nattich-Rak, Particle Deposition, in: Encyclopedia of Colloid and Interface Science Springer VerlangBerlin Heidelberg 126 (2013-01-01) 868-910. Z. Adamczyk, M. Dąbkowska, M. Kujda, K. Sofińska, Human Serum Albumin Adsorption on Solid Substrates-Electrokinetic Studies, in: Colloid and Interface Chemistry for Nanotechnology CRC Press Taylor and Francis GroupBoca Raton 17 (2013-01-01) 405-437. Z. Adamczyk, Electrostatic Interactions, in: Encyclopedia of Colloid and Interface Science Springer VerlangBerlin Heidelberg 126 (2013-01-01) 362-362. Z. 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Nattich-Rak, J. Barbasz, Mechanisms of Fibrinogen Adsorption on Mica, in: ACS - Proteins at Interfaces III ACS Books: "Proteins at Interfaces III"USA Washington 5 (2012-01-01) 97-127. M. Dąbkowska, Z. Adamczyk, Human Serum Albumin Monolayers on Mica: Electrokietic Characteristics, Langmuir 28 (2012-01-01) 15663 – 15673. Z. Adamczyk, Modeling Adsorption of Colloids and Proteins, Curr. Opin. Colloid Interface Sci. 17 (2012-01-01) 173 – 186. Z. Adamczyk, B. Cichocki, M.L. Ekiel-Jeżewska, A. Słowicka, E. Wajnryb, M. Wasilewska, Fibrinogen Conformations and Charge in Electrolyte Solutions Derived from DLS and Dynamic Viscosity Measurements, J Colloid Interface Sci. 385 (2012-01-01) 244-257. M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, M. Oćwieja, Hematite Nanoparticle Monolayers on Mica Electrokinetic Characteristics, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 386 (2012-01-01) 121-128. M. Oćwieja, Z. Adamczyk, M. Morga, E. Bielanska, A. Wegrzynowicz, Hematite Nanoparticle Monolayers on Mica Preparation by Controlled Self-Assembly, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 386 (2012-01-01) 51-59. M. Oćwieja, Z. Adamczyk, K. Kubiak, Tuning Properties of Silver Particle Monolayers via Controlled Adsorption – Desorption Processes, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 376 (2012-01-01) 1-11. M. Dąbkowska, Z. Adamczyk, M. Kujda, Mechanisms of HSA Adsorption on Mica: Electrokinetic Studies, FEBS Journal, (Suppl.1) FEBS 279 (2012-01-01) 516. Z. Adamczyk, A. Bratek-Skicki, P. Dąbrowska, M. Nattich-Rak, Mechanisms of Fibrinogen Adsorption on Latex Particles Determined by Zeta Potential and AFM Measurements, Langmuir 28 (2012-01-01) 474–485. M. Morga, Z. Adamczyk, K. Jaszczółt, M. Nattich-Rak, G. Para, Colloid Zirconia Binder of Improved Wetting Properties, Ceram. Sylikaty 56 (2012-01-01) 1-8. M. Kujda, Z. Adamczyk, M. Nattich-Rak, M. Warsinska, G. Jagura-Burdzy, M. Adamczyk, KfrA Protein of R751 Plasmid Study by DLS, Microelectrophoresis and AFM Method, FEBS Journal, (Suppl.1) 279 (2012-01-01) 516. M. Zaucha, Z. Adamczyk, J. Barbasz, Zeta Potential of Particle Bilayers on Mica: A Streaming Potential Study, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 3601 (2011-01-01) 195-203. Z. Adamczyk, M. Nattich, M. Wasilewska, M. Zaucha, Colloid Particle and Protein Deposition - Electrocinetic Studies, Adv. Colloid Interface Sci. 168 (2011-01-01) 3-28. M. Wasilewska, Z. Adamczyk, Fibrinogen Adsorption on Mica Studied by AFM and in Situ Streaming Potential Measurements, Langmuir 272 (2011-01-01) 686-696. A. Michna, Z. Adamczyk, M. Oćwieja, E. Bielańska, Kinetics of Silver Nanoparticle Deposition onto Poly(ethylene imine) Modified Mica Determined by AFM and SEM Measurements, Colloids Surf., A 377 (2011-01-01) 261-268. M. Oćwieja, Z. Adamczyk, M. Morga, A. 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